Alexia Molino
Nel 1990 si diploma presso l’Istituto Statale d’Arte Sacra per la decorazione e l’arredo della Chiesa di Roma, in metalli ed oreficeria.
Nel 1995 si laurea presso l’Accademia delle Belle Arti di Roma con specializzazione in Scenografia.
Sempre affascinata dal mondo del fantastico e dei suoi abitanti, gnomi, folletti, elfi e creature magiche.
Oggi, grazie ai suoi bambini, è ritornata a sentire vicino questo universo incantato, lasciandosi coinvolgere da un suo nuovo stile pittorico, dedicandolo alle illustrazioni e ai colori non solo per i più piccini.
Born in 1971 in Rome, Italy, she comes from a family of artists: her mother is a painter and her two grandfathers were a furniture restorer and decorator/artist in wood.
Her painting technique was influenced by the artistic environment she lived in.
In 1990 she received her BA in the Istituto Statale d’Arte Sacra per la Decorazione e l’Arredo della Chiesa in Rome, with specialization in Metal Art and Goldsmith.
In 1995 she received her Degree in the Accademia delle Belle Arti in Rome, with specialization in Set Design.
Later on, after several trips that took her as far as to Alaska, she studied different natural environments and animal lives that became some of her sources of inspiration.
She has always been fascinated by the world of fantasy and its inhabitants: gnomes, goblins, elves and magical creatures.
At present, thanks to her kids, she has had the chance to live again from a closer perspective this magical universe, exploring a new painting style, focusing on the
Telefono +39 338 9581422
Sito Personale
Studio – Roma